Thursday, 30 April 2020

Microsoft word

What is MS Word?
                MS Word is a word processor software that help you to create editing , typing , text ,
                formatting and save document.
                MS Word enables you to information in the form of a list or points using bullet and
                numbering option.

Advantage of MS Word?
   (i)      We can type text in MS word.
   (ii)     We can edit whole or a part of the text.
   (iii)    We can print whole or a part of the text.
   (iv)    We can check spelling & grammar also. 
   (v)     We can use Header & Footer also.

How to Start MS Word?
                (I)    Start
   (II)    All Program
   (III)  Microsoft office
   (IV)  Microsoft office word

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Neon number in Java

Neon number is a number where the sum of digits of square of the number is equal to that number.
                   Example :  n=9  , p = 9 * 9 = 81   , s = 8+1 = 9   (n = s , it is neon number)

import java.util.*;
class  Neon
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int  rem ;   int  s = 0;

        Scanner sk = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter number: ");
        int n = sk.nextInt();
        int p = n * n ;
        while (p != 0)
            rem = p % 10;
            s = s + rem;
            p = p / 10;

        if (n == s)
            System.out.println(" Neon number ");
            System.out.println(" Not a Neon number ");


Subscribe my YouTube channel :  SK Skill India

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

HTML Element and Usage

                                HTML  Element  and  Usage                       
                                B             = Bold
                                U             = UnderLine
                                S              = StrikeThrough
                                 I              = Italic
                                SUB        = Subscript
                                SUP        = Superscript
                                H1           = Heading 1
                                H6           = Heading 6
                                Head     = To start Heading section
                                Title       = To change the web page title
                                Body      = To start Body section
                                Table     = For creating table
                                TD           = Table Data
                                TR           = Table Row
                                TH           = Table Header
                                HR          = Horizontal Line
                                BR           = Break Line
                                LI             = List Item
                                Font       = Change Font size
                                P             = Change Paragraph
                                IMG       = Inserting Image                            
                                OL           = Order List
                                UL           = Unorder List                                    
                                Script     = To add script (Javascript , Vbscript) to page
                                Style      = To add stylesheet to page
                                A             = Hyperlink
                                HREF      = Hyper Reference
                                Face       = To Change Font Style
                                PRE        = To contain space
                                ALT         = AlternateText
                                coords  = Coordinates
                                SRC        = Source
                                DL           = Data List
                                DT           = Data Terms
                                DD          = Data Description
        Frame      = To Insert content for a window
                                FrameSet   = To Divide pages into window 
                                Marquee    = For scrolling text

Special word in Java programming

Special words are those words which start and end with the same letter.
 Examples:   EXISTENCE   ,   COMIC  ,   WINDOW

import   java.util.Scanner;
class  specialWord
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner sk = new Scaner(;
        System.out.print("Enter word: ");
        String wd =;                                                       
        char f = wd.charAt(0);
        char la = wd.charAt(wd.length()- 1);
        if (f == la)
            System.out.println(" It is a Special word : " +wd);
            System.out.println(" It is Not a special word : " +wd) ;

For Video visit my YouTube channel :  SK Skill India

Monday, 27 April 2020

Student grade and marks

Write a program to display the student grade and division according to their marks

class  GD
    public static void main(String arg[])
        int  a = 317  ;         
            System.out.println(" The student grade is 'A' and got '1st Division' ");
        else if(a>=225 && a<300 )
             System.out.println(" The student grade is 'B' and got '2nd Division' ");
        else if(a>=165 && a<225 )
             System.out.println(" The student grade is 'C' and got '3rd Division' ");
            System.out.println(" FAIL ");

Greatest among three values

Write a program to display the greatest value among three values.

class  Great
    public static void main(String arg[])
        Int   a = 7,   b = 13 ,   c = 11 ;
        if(a>b && a>c)
            System.out.println(" A is greater");
        else if(b>a && b>c)
             System.out.println(" B is greater ");
            System.out.println("C is greater");

if else if statement

                                    Use of  (if…else...if )    statement

class  ifelseif
    public static void main()
        int a=5 , b=10 ;        

        if (a>b)
            System.out.println(" A is greater");
        else if (a==b)
             System.out.println(" A and B are equal ");
            System.out.println(" B is greater");

Greatest Number among two number

Write a program to take any two number and find the greatest number. 

class Greater
    public static void main(String arg[])
        int a=5 , b=10 ;            
            System.out.println(" A is greater");
            System.out.println(" B is greater");

Visit my YouTube channel  :  SK Skill India 

Armstrong number

A number is said to be Armstrong if the sum of the cubes of its digits is equal to the original number.
Example : N = 153  ,   13 + 53 + 33 = 153    // 407 is an Armstrong no.

import java.util.*;

class Armstrong
    public static void main(String args[])
        int  s = 0 ,   rem   ;
        Scanner sk = new Scanner( ;
        System.out.print("Enter ur number : ") ;
        int n = sk.nextInt() ;
        int temp = n ; 
            rem = n % 10 ;
            s = s + rem * rem * rem;
            n = n / 10 ;
        if(temp  ==  s)
            System.out.println(" The given number is Armstrong ");    
            System.out.println(" The given number is Not Armstrong ");    


An Armstrong Number, the sum of power of individual digits is equal to number itself.
 For example 0, 1, 153, 370, 371 and 407 etc are the Armstrong numbers. That is  :

153=1*1*1 + 5*5*5 + 3*3*3
1634 = 1*1*1*1 + 6*6*6*6 + 3*3*3*3 + 4*4*4*4

WAP to prove that the sum of cubes of the digits is equal to the given number.

class  Armstrong
    public static void main(String args[])
       int num = 1634 ;
       int t1 = num , len=0 ;
       while(t1 != 0)
            len = len + 1 ;
            t1 = t1 / 10 ;        
       int t2=num , arm=0 ;
       while(t2 != 0)
            int mult = 1 ;
            int rem = t2 % 10 ;
            for(int i=1 ; i<=len ; i++)
                mult = mult * rem ;
            arm = arm + mult ;
            t2 = t2/10 ;
            System.out.println(" The given number is Armstrong ");    
            System.out.println(" The given number is NOT an Armstrong ");    

Niven number in Java Program

Niven number is a number which is divisible by the sum of its digits.
                   Example :   N = 16  , s = 1+6 = 7  ; n%s != 0 ; so it is Not a Niven number.
                                        N = 12 , s = 1+2 = 3  : n%s ==0 : so it is Niven number

import java.util.* ;
class  Niven
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int  rem ;   int  s = 0;

        Scanner sk = new Scanner(;
        System.out.print("Enter number: ");
        int n = sk.nextInt();
        int temp = n ;
        while (n != 0)
            rem = n%10;
            s = s + rem;
            n = n/10;

        if(temp % s == 0)
            System.out.println(" Niven number ");

            System.out.println(" Not a Niven number ");

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